How cervical screening is done:
1. You will need to undress from the waist down and lie on a bed. You can usually remain dressed if you're weaing a loose skirt.
2. The GP will ask you to lie back on a bed, usually with your legs bent, feet together and knees apart. You can lie on your side if it’s more comfortable for you.
3. They'll gently put a smooth, tube-shaped tool (a speculum) into your vagina - this holds the walls of the vagina open. A small amount of lubricant may be used.
4.The GP will open the speculum so they can see your cervix.
5.Using a soft brush, they'll take a small sample of cells from your cervix.
6. The GP will remove the speculum and leave you to get dressed.
7. They will put the sample in a pot to send to a lab.
8. The lab will check the sample for HPV first. If HPV is found, the sample will also be checked for abnormal cells.
Check if you are due your cervical smear by going to: